don't postpone joy

Thursday, August 18, 2005

ch ch ch changes...

No need to turn and face the strange, I just figured it was time to fill you in on some missing pieces.
Ron got me started blogging. I have known him for a little over 2 years. We were mostly fuck buddies until this past spring. I always considered him a friend of mine, and loved him as such. He was in the military and traveled, and called sometimes when he came into town. This past spring he started calling more. He told me his dark secrets and of the fear he had about Karma paying him back. I detailed my opinions about his role in this universe, and that only malicious intent would receive the paybacks he feared. I told him that good can totally kick hate's ass. I told him that unconditional love does exist, and that he had that with me. We seemed to be building on our relationship. In May, he showed up at my house, (I hadn't seen him since January) broken and sick, in need of a safe haven. I am constantly working to maintain a peaceful balance in my life, so it came as no surprise to me that he found solace in my home.
Then he told me he found out that he has cancer. In his stomach. He didn't want to do chemo or have to worry about drinking teas or making poultices on a regimented schedule. I researched stomach cancer, and the prognosis was not good.
Fuck. This was my friend. I prayed for him while he was in Iraq, and cried when i got the email that said he'd been shot, and was missing...inherently, I knew he wasn't dead. It was in my gut. I just knew he was alive. Of course he was.
He admitted that he is an addict and that he had a plan to quit. He had been praying to God for the past 10 years, to let him die, and now that he was looking his own immortality in the face, he decided on life. I told him that nothing is insurmountable. and I believe that. He blamed the addiction on the military, saying that they patched him up just to send him back out, and now that he is out (immediate disability because of the cancer) they don't patch him up anymore. He said that he wanted to be a productive member of society. To have a 9-5 job and be in a relationship. And wanted to do all of this with me.
I told him my secrets. They weren't pretty, and I had to get drunk to do it...but if he could tell me, then I could tell him.
There is so much more.
Although we slept in the same bed, we never had sex. He was sick and broken. I didn't give it a second thought.
While I was in Honduras, he decided that he loved me, and told me so, when I finally got to a phone.
We were going to take a trip together...just outside Yosemite. Camping, fishing, the whole nine yards.
Then it started to unravel.
He had joint custody of his neice--with his sister. Oops, the neice is really his daughter.
He got arrested because the computer program he purchased, mysteriously had an extra chip in the package (which he didn't put there, of course...but they do have a video of a tall guy with glasses putting something in that box)
Forged my signature, etc. and sent in a pre-approved credit card application.
A friend of mine stayed at the house with him while I was gone, and Ron told me that things were missing...(of course it was a set up for my homecoming)
When I got home from being gone a month, I barely got a peck on the lips.
We watched the video of his wedding (to the woman he says is dead..)
The next morning I figured out another lie on my own. he made a bracelet out of some glass beads I had, and then said some other stuff dropped and broke and he used those too...well, my brother got me this necklace in Isreal, and pieces of it were in the bracelet. No way they could have fallen apart.

While he slept, I looked around. Another credit card that I didn't apply for( both cards charged on)Checks that he had written to himself, and signed my name to. And proof that he wasn't even in Iraq in September--so he was never shot there, or lost. He was married to his daughter's mom. He doesn't own any condo in Dallas. My computer was trashed. All parted out and inoperable. All my DVDs were gone (which he blamed on my friend) My good California wine, that I carted back here..depleted. My cordless screwdriver and socket set--gone.
Can't find my grandmother's turquoise ring, either. ( I thought my pearls were gone, but I've since found them)
My best friend talked me into calling the police. Screaming on the phone, long distance from Oklahoma...she explained over and over to me, that this just is not right. The thought never occurred to me that there was no rational explanation for all these things-that Ron had lied and stolen from me. I didn't want to call, because an accusation of this caliber could have serious reprocutions (how do you spell that?) on his life. Nevertheless, I called. They came. He offered to leave without even being asked. cool as a clam. Off he went, and there I was.
He doesn't even have cancer. Of course he never loved me.
I am still struggling with this. My patience is thin. My friend is pissed because I don't want to go innertubing with a bunch of couples (I already paid the deposit for Ron and I to go) . I don't have the money he owes me (I know I'll never see it), and I still have to pay my homeowner's and car insurance.
I know that I am worthy of good things, and even capable of loving someone else.
I just feel sad. I don't want him, obviously. I can't even begin to tell you how his deception has torn me. I don't hate, or even wonder "why me".
And on top of all that...the guy who dumped me last year, keeps calling, as does my FBI guy, and my insurance agent. NOW they want me? Ron's lies are more than I can overcome today. I can't even begin to entertain intimacy. Nor can I seem to find protection. I don't feel physically threatened, but more unable to protect my own innards. All of that, and in the same head that those thoughts run around in, I know that his betrayal--albiet severe--cannot run my life.
I have been guarded in my posts in the past, because I didn't want to tell too many of anyone else's secrets. I haven't posted much lately for obvious reasons, and also because I have entertained the idea of just dropping this blog and starting fresh someplace else. Fuck you Ron Arlt mess. Read this and think and do whatever you want with it. I do not hate him and I am not mad at him, he controls no aspect of my life. I can see his cowardice, and understand how lonely his life must be.

I'm looking forward to future candor with you all. AND I am going to hire somebody to tutor me on the photo thing.

Did you know that Namaste means "I honor the Spirit in you, which is also in me" ?

Alert the media...I have figured out how to post pictures...


At 18 August, 2005 11:27, Blogger Kurt said...

Thanks for your insight. There are many gems in this post, and it also contains some pain. Which is okay because you are allowed. It's been said that we can't control our feelings, only our reaction to them. It seems you have taken control over that part of your life you can control. Awesome.
There are days when I feel sad, too. Not sure why. Fortunately for me, they number few and last less.
Remember the reason you went to Honduras? The inner reason that drove you out of your comfort zone and allowed you to invest time and energy in the development of others' well-being (physical and spiritual)?
That reason is still in you. While you need to nurture it back to blossom, this post tells me it is on the rebound.
Keep looking forward and heading in that direction.
Put the S*O*B in jail because he violated all our trusts, not just yours. It's the right thing to do.

At 18 August, 2005 12:53, Blogger Unknown said...

wow wee...what a lot of stuff poured out your soul in this one..i love you for it daisy..i hope it was cathartic for that the right word? I just hope this gives you closure and you can take one step at a time to get your life and 'house' in order and live again. Your friends online miss you and I am sure your friends there do as well. If they know what has happened,as we do, they can provide alot of support for you. This is like a double whammy, a relationship AND a monetary screwing over are more than most people can bear, so you are going to run the gamut of emotions, all of them normal..thats the key word..NORMAL..its normal to feel everything you have felt since returning to this nitemare..exorcise the fucktard Ron now, and start to live again sweetie..its comforts me to know you are on the road to getting back to your life. A life you will make for yourself hopefully without any undue paranoia over relationships..most people are not pond scum sucking sumbitches like ol Ronnie.LOL, when i wrote him that lovely email, i said his karma was gonna have its way with him some day..and god willing it surely will..btw, you can delete his posts here if he has the nads to post..just hit the little trashcan under his posts and poof they are he should and will be soon. Will the cops be charging his worthless ass with anything? thank god your friend convinced you to call them.

much love and hugs and kisses girl.. :)

At 18 August, 2005 17:37, Blogger daisyduke said...

Kurt, the reason I went to Honduras, was to help people. You cannot believe the unexpected gifts they gave me in return. The joy is absolutely incredible. It was much more in my comfort zone than this is, I can assure you! You're dead on about the nurture, it's just mustering the strength to actually give it to myself, you know?
Of course I'll live again, Dusty. There is no alternative.
I know everyone isn't full of lies, betrayal and deception, but dammit, this still sucks. I know, too, that it's normal...but having never been normal, this is going down pretty hard. It's really out of my hands as far as whether or not he will be held accountable-please know, though, that I did do my part.
My entry today was cathartic (and yes, that is a word)and my life lately has been one big catharsis (I have never used both of those words in the same day, let alone the same paragraph)A transition is taking place. All the books say I already know where I'm going...huh. coulda fooled me! All I know, is I'm moving in a forward motion. Some days WAY more forward than others.
Thank you for being nice to me.Both of you. It makes a difference in my life~

At 18 August, 2005 19:26, Blogger Eddie said...

You're doing great because you already know you shouldn't let this get you down too much! Just take it one day at a time, and eventually you'll feel back to your original self. :)

At 18 August, 2005 19:49, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

So does that mean, that the unconditional love is actually conditional? I don't mean to be a dick, but so often (not you) people cram all the you're nice, you'll get this & that & it's all shit. It's all a crap shoot. I'm sure you're nice & look at this.

Well, we've spoken on this & anyway I applaud you posting it if only so that you assert yourself & regain some control over your mental domain.

Holy Crap! She figured out how to do photos! WOAH!!!! Good for you.

Well, most people try to ward off this stuff by pouring themselves into their meaningless work. At least if you pour more of yourself into work, it only helps so many young impressionable minds.

Keep on kicking, like you Texans always do! Isn't it about time for another vote on succeding from the United States? I know Quebec is going to have a vote in the next few years on leaving Canada. Don't let them beat you to it!

At 18 August, 2005 21:35, Blogger daisyduke said...

It isn't a secret. I still love Ron. The man has imprinted my life, not taken it over.

Unconditional love IS unconditional.

What unconditional love is not, is a license to have diarrea all over someone. I am neither a toilet, nor a litter box. I care about his well-being, and am not interested in any more harm coming to him. I have no idea what the true story of his life is, but I can see the results--and they do not come from any sort of Beaver Cleaver family or lifestyle. I cannot, however, fix him, protect him, or allow him to use me in any other manner.
And oblivious to whether or not it comes off as bitchiness, I am not an actual Texan. I live here. I am not a subserviant little woman who says y'all and fixin' to. Being raised and schooled North of the Mason Dixon line, does not even allow for naturalization in these parts.
I am nice. But nice does not equal doormat--for him, or anyone.

At 18 August, 2005 21:49, Blogger daisyduke said...

Life happens. Good things happen to seemingly bad people, and bad to seemingly good. This is a milestone in my life. A hurdle. But the outcome is dependent on me. I can struggle and work and see that the silver lining is---it could have been tens of thousands of dollars, my Grandmothers diamond and emerald ring, my car and all my furniture and TVs--or I can cry over my "So I married an Axe Murderer" DVD and my ripped out guts

At 18 August, 2005 22:59, Blogger daisyduke said...

or I can forgive him, which I do. And I can continue to live and love and learn; which I also choose to do

At 19 August, 2005 04:47, Blogger tom said...

Wow. What a tough story.

Good blog.

At 19 August, 2005 06:16, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

I was hoping to have gotten on & further explained myself before upsetting you. I think right up there with "I could care less" is "that which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" - I have always hated that phrase. I think that it's false in most instances.

A horrific shark attack whereby you lose a leg doesn't kill you, but it sure does fuck you up & change your life. The fact you feel so withdrawn now & non trusting is a negative effect. So, in reading your tale of woe, I can hear in my head all the smiley happy people saying it will make you stronger, and that makes me sick & it was really that line of thinking of I was trying to attack - not you.

This will do some damage to you, and you can forgive, and move on & be positive, but it's impact on your willingness to trust is still there. It's impact on your view of dating is still there. It didn't kill you, but it still injured you. I don't think it made you any stronger either.

I think I was recoiling in disgust waiting for that full of crap "pick me up" line from someone before I even saw it. I heard it so many times in my life when big bad things went wrong. Non of them made me stronger. They all made me more bitter, less trusting & made my heart more stone like. Maybe it's all just me. If so, I didn't mean to project it onto you.

I knew it wasn't said the right way, but I was so exhausted last night from my 16 hour work day I just couldn't properly express my thoughts - sorry.

Well, happy Friday - enjoy some sushi & a few cocktails.

More pictures of stuff!

At 19 August, 2005 06:35, Blogger daisyduke said...

thanks, rat. i understand exactly what you're saying.

my other favorites include:

you're better off without him

i knew he was no good, but i didn't want to say anything

one bad turn deserves another.

at least you weren't hurt.

and my all time favorite...drum roll could you not have seen this coming?

At 20 July, 2006 19:17, Blogger dakboy said...

Please email me about this. He conned a lot of people on a forum I frequent, and he even used stories he picked up from other members on you (stomach cancer jumped right out at me).

The story has taken some interesting turns since you made this post.

My address is in my Blogger profile.

At 19 April, 2009 20:12, Blogger Enos Straitt said...

Nothing really new, just collated data.

At 30 April, 2009 10:56, Blogger susank said...

Hey Daisy, it's me, Susan! I don't know if you have been following the Ron circus, but he is out of jail now.

In fact, making threats that he would create a website with all kinds of garb about me and the others who stood up and exposed Ron for the LIAR that he is.

Google his name and see that he has a whole new set of victims.

I made a post you should check out, it is the one entitled "Read up on Ron Arlt, the rabbit with the gun". Drop me a line if you have time.

Take care! SK


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